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Irate Leftists Lose It After GOP Gov. Outlaws Baby Killing

We’ve reached a point in this clown world society when so-called progressives no longer have any qualms about their burning desire to literally murder unborn babies.

“Thank God for my abortion!”

“Shout Your Abortion”

“Abortion is healthcare!”

These are slogans often heard chanted at pro-abortion rallies, like satanic priests murmuring sweet nothings directly in the devil’s ear.

It’s sick, it’s twisted, it’s all of the adjectives worth using to describe just how low-down the American left has become.

However, a growing number of Americans have successfully elected Republican governors willing to put an end to the left’s obsession with abortion.

Kevin Slitt, for example, is the Republican Governor of Oklahoma. On Tuesday, he made liberal heads explode when he sighed a near-total abortion ban into law, making the abortion procedure a felony.

The bill, SB 612, bans abortion at all stages, except for cases in which the mother’s life is at risk, and does not make exceptions for cases of rape and incest. Abortion providers who violate the new law are subject to a fine of up to $100,000 and 10 years in prison.

Gov. Stitt admitted during SB612 signing ceremony that he and Oklahoma Attorney General John O’Connor fully expect the bill to be challenged by “liberal activists from the coasts”. Oklahoma plans to fully defend its state’s rights.

Oklahoma already has an anti-abortion law on the books that bans the procedure, except for cases in which the mother’s life is in danger, but violators of that law would face more lenient consequences than those who violate the new one. The old law carries a penalty of up to five years in prison.

The enforcement of SB 612 rests solely on an upcoming Supreme Court decision in the case of Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, which would essentially uphold or weaken the 1873 Roe v. Wade decision.

In no surprise to anyone paying attention, Jen Psaki was quick to condemn Oklahoma’s decision to ban abortions. She released a statement that blatantly interferes with the will of Oklahomans — a common occurrence in the Biden administration thus far.

By framing abortion procedures as “women’s healthcare”, the left can argue that big, bad Republicans are hellbent on taking medical services away from women.


Big, bad Republicans are hellbent in stopping the widescale genocide of unborn children.

Author: Sebastian Hayworth

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