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Economists Predict ‘Cruel Summer’ Amid Biden’s Gas Price Crisis

The first summer without restrictive pandemic policies will be marred with unreasonable gas prices that will likely interfere with what should be a relaxing time with friends and family.

Joe Biden and his policies have successfully gutted America’s ability to produce its own energy and thus must now rely on foreign imports often from countries that despise the United States.

This, however, is a crisis by design, one that Biden and his globalist buddies have been planning for a while now. The ‘success’ of a two-year lockdown spurred by a man-made Chinese virus has apparently inspired the most insidious radicals working in geopolitics today and the powers that be appear anxious to create another global crisis.

Well, they’re off to a good start because the United States is quickly reaching a critical state both economically and socially as the already-fatigued public grapples with even more chaos after the pandemic.

We all know gas prices are on the rise as a result of Joe Biden’s disastrous energy policies.

Since day one of his presidency, Biden was determined to destroy all Trump-era economic advancements, including unprecedented energy independence, which enabled the U.S. to advance its negotiating power with foreign leaders.

But that’s all over now.

The price per gallon is once again on the rise and it economists predict it’s only going to get worse.

According to many predictions, drivers across the nation could spend more than $6 per gallon of gas to fill up their vehicles come August.

JPMorgan Chase analysts predict another surge in gas prices. They coined the term ‘cruel summer’ to describe the harrowing realities we’re all bound to face at the gas pump.

“There is a real risk the price could reach $6+ a gallon by August,” said Natasha Kaneva, head of global oil and commodities research at JPMorgan Chase. “U.S. retail price could surge another 37% by August.”

With each additional $1 increase in gas prices, JPMorgan Chase estimates that Americans’ consumer habits will drop by 60 cents.

As of Thursday morning, the average price of a gallon of regular gas had reached $4.59, while a gallon of premium gas had reached $5.20 — more than a $1.50 increase from last year at this time.

Republican lawmakers have begun sounding the alarm, warning the American people of just how bad Biden’s energy crisis is.

Sen. Ted Cruz, for example, has no qualms about revealing what’s really going on, saying “record gas prices are the intended effects of Biden’s deliberate actions.”

This admission is important because it lays bare the true evil nature of liberalism today.

By bankrupting Americans, squeezing them for every dollar fresh off a global pandemic, the Biden administration is prioritizing the transformation of our economy into green energy globalist imitation of the European Union — all to protect their investments in electric vehicles and to tighten their grip on power.

Author: Asa McCue


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