The mother of a 24 year old murder victim is taking up legal action against The Bail Project, a progressive funding group that seeks to help perps get out of jail and back on the street.
Nikki Sterling’s son Dylan McGinnis died on October 1 at the hands of Travis Lang, who had a long criminal record that included resisting arrest, burglary, and breaking and entering. Lang, with funding from The Bail Project, posted $5,650 in bail that put him back on the street so he could murder McGinnis.
The Bail Project issued a statement after the incident where they stated that at the time they believed Lang to be a nonviolent misdemeanor criminal, and supported Lang in attending all court dates for pending cases. They also dismissed the allegations of McGinnis’ murder at the hands of Lang as still not “hav[ing] any merit” until a judge and jury have convicted him.
Sterling said that she was “shocked” when she discovered that her son’s murderer was released on bail using money from a group that specifically aims to release as many criminals from jail as possible. She said that it became her mission to spread awareness of the nationwide organization’s activity; “supporting violent offenders… helping them get out of jail.” She added that she hopes to prevent the group from doing this to another family in the future.
According to court documents, McGinnis was a bystander parked in a vehicle while nearby Lang and a woman engaged in a drug deal. When Lang opened fire, McGinnis was fatally struck. Police have confirmed that McGinnis had no involvement in the deal.
A spokesperson from The Bail Project claims that they simply paid the difference of Lang’s bail after his grandmother and fiance already put together most of the funds. The Bail Project claims that they offered the remainder so that Lang could be at home while he awaited his court case. They added that they denounce all forms of violence and didn’t intend to place anyone in harms way by releasing Lang.
Joe Gamaldi, the National Vice President for the Fraternal Order of Police criticized The Bail Project, explaining that many of the criminals they help release on bond are “violent criminals who are repeat offenders.” He added that he believes the group doesn’t “give a damn about public safety… they know… the people that they are bailing out.”
Author: Alan Smith